Do I Have A Strong Case For A TN Visa?

The strongest cases for a TN visa are those where an applicant can minimize or eliminate the officer’s subjectivity from the adjudication process. How does an applicant accomplish that?

  1. By having a job title and job duties that directly or closely align with the TN occupational category; and

  2. By possessing educational credentials that directly or closely align with the TN occupational category.

Any deviation on these 2 accounts will result in being subject to an officer’s subjective interpretation or opinion as to whether your job or education qualifies under the applicable TN category. The most common basis for a refusal under the TN visa classification is when an officer believes there is a disparity between either your job or credentials and the applicable TN occupation. Having a solid fit between your job offer and credentials, and the applicable TN category will leave the inspecting officer little room for subjective interpretation.


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