TN Visa Approval for Computer Systems Analyst – Associate Manager, e-Business Development

Job Offer:

Company sought Applicant to work as Associate Manager, e-Business Development where he would be responsible for the development, design, analysis, testing and maintenance of e-Business user-interface systems and applications for the company’s websites.

Applicant’s Qualifications:

Applicant easily met the requirements for a TN as a Computer Systems Analyst. He possessed a Master of Engineering degree in Computer Science from a university in China, which was evaluated as the equivalent to a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from an accredited U.S. college or university. Note: degrees issued from educational institutions located outside a NAFTA country must be evaluated.

Main Issue:

Proving that the position offered, Associate Manager, e-Business Development, fell within the scope of the Computer Systems Analyst occupational category.

How We Obtained The Approval:

We supported our argument for TN eligibility for this position based on language from Department of Labor materials. For example, the Occupational Outlook Handbook entry for Computer Systems Analysts provides that “[t]here is a growing demand for system analysts to help firms maximize their efficiency with available technology,” such as the “[e]xpansion of electronic commerce—doing business on the Internet.” Additionally, the entry for Computer Systems Design and Related Services in the Career Guide to Industries provides that “[a]s firms continue to install sophisticated computer networks, set up Internet and intranet sites, and engage in e-commerce, the most rapid growth will occur among computer specialists such as systems analysts…”


Immigrant Visa Issued to TN Visa Professional – Marriage to U.S. Citizen


No Foreign Residence Requirement for TN Visa Professionals