Sci/Tech TN for Software Engineer - Web Applications Despite Previous Denial.

Company was a full service software engineering and internet agency providing all phases of software and web development including strategic planning, design, development, implementation, hosting, online marketing, and maintenance.

In order to continue to offer high-end web application and software products, the company required the professional services of our client to provide software engineering, design, development and troubleshooting assistance and support with respect to the company’s web applications and software solutions. Our client is an industry professional with substantial theoretical knowledge and experience in the engineering, design, development, and maintenance of high quality dynamic web based applications and software solutions. He possessed a diploma from in E-media & Design and five (5) years experience in the engineering, design, development, troubleshooting, and maintenance of interactive web based applications and software solutions.

Despite an earlier denial of his TN application prior to the retainment of our firm, we successfully rehabilitated this client's TN application and obtained an approval.


Update on Passport Requirements