NAFTA TN Visa Consular Processing Issues in Mexico

The Non-Immigrant Visa Section Chief at the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara has indicated that the consulate will adjudicate non-immigrant TN visa applications up-front without pre-submission of paperwork. However, the appointment for the TN visa must be scheduled through the normal nationwide Mexican telephonic appointment system. The Chief noted that the plan is for Mexico to move later this year to an Internet based appointment system, and that all posts in Mexico will be available for appointments for any Mexican national. Thus, when implemented, the jurisdictional restrictions that previously applied dictating where a Mexican national could apply for a TN visa within Mexico would no longer be applicable under this new policy. The Section Chief reported that the new approach is in effect now, but a recent check of select Mexican consulate websites indicate that some are still operating under the telephonic visa appointment system. The purpose of the new Internet visa appointment system is to permit a nonimmigrant visa applicant to choose a consulate post in Mexico that has available appointments.

The Visa Section Chief also noted that each consulate post should be setting aside a certain number of appointment slots for business emergencies. Thus, if a TN visa applicant indicates that he or she has a business emergency, the individual should be allocated one of the available visa appointment slots. “Business emergency” means a well documented, immediate need to travel to the U.S. for business purposes.

From Kathleen Campbell Walker, Notes from USCIS Director for Mexico City, USCIS OIC in Cd. Juarez, and NIV Section Chief in Guadalajara, Texas Chapter Conference, Puerto Vallarta (Nov. 2-3, 2006) (AILA Doc. NO. 06112262).


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