Management Consultant TN – WebSphere Commerce Suite Technology

The TN petitioner in this case was an information technology consulting firm that required an individual to provide e-commerce solutions utilizing WebSphere Commerce Suite technology. The individual would provide analysis and technical application recommendations to IT Departments on e-commerce systems and WebSphere technology.

The TN applicant was an established consultant and expert in the industry with over sixteen (16) years of IT industry experience. The TN applicant also possessed several industry related certifications and completed coursework in computer science. Although the TN applicant did not possess a related degree, he still qualified for TN status under the Management Consultant category based on his extensive experience.

In addition to the possession of a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree, a Canadian citizen may qualify for TN status as a Management Consultant by possessing five years experience as a management consultant or five years experience in a field of specialty related to the consulting agreement.


Losing the I-94 and Re-Admission under TN Status