Approval at Border for Management Consultant TN in Oil and Gas Industry

The company in this TN application provided consultation services to the oil and gas industry. Services provided included consultation with respect to surface easements, abstracting, and seismic permitting.

The company wanted to expand its services and activities and penetrate the larger marketplace. The current policies and methods employed by the company had not enabled it to achieve maximum potential for its services and clients. To address this issue, the company sought the professional consulting services of our client – an industry professional who possessed forty years of unique and advanced strategic planning experience within the oil and gas industry. As the company’s goal was for the client to advise management on how to successfully attract and service new clientele, and not become actively engaged in the management of the business, the position was appropriate for the Management Consultant TN category.

To be eligible for the Management Consultant TN category, NAFTA requires that an applicant satisfy at least one of the following: (1) possession of a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree; (2) if non-degreed, the applicant must have five years relevant experience as a management consultant documented by previous employment letters or professional credentials; or (3) the applicant must possess five years experience in a field of specialty related to the consulting agreement documented by previous employment letters or professional credentials.

In this case, the client completed only some coursework in geology, and did not possess a degree. So we needed to provide evidence of five years of experience in the field. Because of his significant experience, the client was able to provide a letter of reference from a previous employer evidencing six years of experience in the oil and gas industry.


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