The Law Office of Brian D. Zuccaro, PLLC

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Management Consultant TN Checklist</a>

Factors to evaluate when considering eligibility for TN status as a Management Consultant:

  1. What is the particular business problem or issue that needs to be solved?

  2. What is the reason for the short-term need for an outside consultant?

  3. How is the applicant qualified to solve the problem?

  4. Is the applicant assuming an existing position or filling a newly created position?

  5. Who will the applicant report to?

  6. Who will implement the applicant’s plans, suggestions, recommendations?

  7. Does the applicant possess a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree?

  8. If non-degreed, does the applicant have five years relevant experience as a management consultant documented by previous employment letters or professional credentials? Or does the applicant have five years experience in a field of specialty related to the consulting agreement documented by previous employment letters or professional credentials?

  9. Does the applicant have a detailed resume documenting the necessary experience, skills, and knowledge to solve the management problem?

  10. What are the terms of compensation? Will the applicant be a salaried employee or independent contractor? Will the applicant receive company benefits such as retirement and 401K plans, stock options, or life insurance?