The Law Office of Brian D. Zuccaro, PLLC

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TN Visa Case Info.


Citizen of Canada.

TN Category:


Job title / duties:

Applicant had an engineering job title, but his duties involved analysis of geologic data to assess pipeline integrity hazards, and developing pipeline integrity assessment programs. The main issue here was establishing that the position fell under an eligible TN occupational category. Based on the position’s job duties and the applicant's credentials, I felt that the Geologist TN category was appropriate. As the position’s title was not entirely indicative of this TN category, we included research to establish that Geologists performed this type of work, and may be referred to as Engineering Geologists.


Bachelor's degree in Physical Geography and Earth Science. As the applicant did not possess a degree exactly in the field, we included research showing that a degree in a Geoscience field was suitable for this occupation.

Filing Process:

TN visa status application @ USCBP - Calgary, PFI

Processing time:

Approved same day filed

Approval period:

3 years