Should TN Visa Support Letters Refer to USMCA Now?

Question: Does the employer’s support letter for a TN visa have to be updated now with the new USMCA deal? I wonder if the regular support letter quoting NAFTA would still work or if changes are needed in the letter due to the USMCA.

Answer: Not yet. While the U.S. and Mexico have ratified the USMCA, the agreement has not been ratified by Canada, yet. Once Canada ratifies the agreement, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of State (DOS) will need to update their regulations and policies to implement the USMCA. It will take several months for this to happen. I will be providing updates on the USMCA roll out at my site. Once the USMCA is in effect, then an individual’s TN visa application paperwork should not refer to NAFTA any more.