The Law Office of Brian D. Zuccaro, PLLC

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Question: Can I apply for my TN visa at the CBP Pre-Clearance office at the Sir Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau, Bahamas? I am a Canadian citizen.

Reply: The TN visa regulations state that a Canadian citizen can apply for a TN at a U.S. Class A port-of-entry, a U.S. airport handling international traffic, or at a U.S. Pre-Clearance office. 8 CFR 214.6 (d) (2).

However, in a recent AILA liaison meeting with the CBP Pre-Clearance office at the Sir Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas, CBP officials stated that their office “has not seen these types of cases [i.e. TN visas], and would need to consider whether to process these types of cases.” AILA/CBP Liaison, AILA Doc. No. 16031610, pg. 4 (posted 03/16/16).

While there appears to be regulatory authority for the Nassau Pre-Clearance office to adjudicate TN applications for Canadians, given the office’s potential reluctance to accept such applications, not to mention their apparent unfamiliarity with TN visas, it may be prudent for applicants to avoid applying for TNs at this office for the time being.